Keeping Families Together

A Look At Our Kindred Roots Program In Lexington

When families need support, kinship caregivers can play a critical role in keeping families together.

That is the purpose of our new Kindred Roots program in Kentucky, which aims to empower all members of the family to grow as people and as parents in preparation for successful reunification.

about kindred roots

Bair has partnered with The University of Kentucky and the Kentucky Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) to address the needs of kinship caregivers, the children in their care, and their biological parents by providing comprehensive reunification and support services.

The goal of the Kindred Roots program is to help shorten the time to reunification, improve placement stability, and strengthen family relationships.

Utilizing a trauma-responsive understanding of multi-generational experiences, the Kindred Roots Program builds parenting capacity and skills for kinship caregivers and biological parents. The evidence-based practices assist families in successfully completing their case plans and preparing for successful futures.

Kinship support within the program includes:  

  • Family Reunification 
  • Family Aftercare 
  • Supervised Visitation  
  • Fatherhood Engagement 
  • Resource Coordination 

Kindred Roots Team

keeping families together

The Kindred Roots program began in May 2022 and there are currently four full-time staff, three part-time staff, and four University of Kentucky interns.

So far, 100 children have been served (including current clients). In addition, 34 children were discharged and were either reunited with their biological parents or found permanency with their kinship caregiver.

Of the children who were or are going through the program, over 25% were less than a year old – the biggest group so far. Children who are five to seven years old account for 22% of clients.

Program Supervisor, Rachel Womack, says the most frequently utilized service is supervised visitation offered in the office, the home, and the community. Parenting education is another service that Kindred Roots uses to help families succeed.

Kindred Roots has also helped many families with mental health referrals, housing assistance, connection to legal aid, co-parenting support, and help with obtaining food and clothing.

Just one year in and this program has continued to be an excellent resource in the community. We are excited to continue to grow the number of families and children served in Fayette and Scott counties.

“I absolutely could not be more proud of our team and what we have accomplished. Our staff are changing lives and helping make families whole every single day. I think that families can run the risk of falling through the cracks. That does not happen at Kindred Roots,” said Womack.

learn more

If you’d like more information on our Kindred Roots program, call our Lexington office at 859-519-3273!

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Since 1967, The Bair Foundation has been committed to building strong children, strong families, and strong communities. It is through loving foster parents that children have a sense of belonging and a loving home.

Our children deserve a brighter future. The Bair Foundation is always seeking outstanding people to join our team. If you are interested in Becoming a Foster Parent, you can request no-obligation information about fostering through The Bair Foundation here and a team member will contact you directly.

On average, 200,000 children enter the system each year. Our work is never done.

You can take the first step toward providing the loving home that every kid deserves.

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