boys doing homework

Christian Foster Care

Every Child Deserves A Family

As a Christian foster care agency, we feel called to a higher standard because of our faith. We believe that we must go the extra mile to meet the needs of our children and teens.

As a member of our team, you will play an essential role in ensuring the health, safety and well-being of the children who are entrusted in our care and supervision.

Our service is extremely valuable in the defense against child abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual), neglect and maltreatment.

How Foster Care Works

Foster care is a temporary living situation for children whose parents cannot take care of them and whose need for removal from the home is imminent. At a time when it is needed most, we provide caring support and the loving, safe home that a child needs and deserves. More than half of the children who enter foster care are reunified with their biological parents.

Our Commitment To Community Partners

  • Bair has a rich history of meeting the needs of children and families during the most crucial time in their lives. We have over 50 years of experience providing more than 20 services and developing our own evidence-based treatment model. Working with hundreds of counties, our goal is to provide the maximum positive impact to those we serve.
  • We demonstrate open and honest communication and, in this way, earn trust. We appreciate each individual’s role and treat all with dignity and respect.
  • Bair actively recruits, retains and trains foster families who are willing to take children who have suffered severe trauma and who most likely have emotional and behavioral needs.

Foster youth need loving and committed foster parents and we ask you to consider becoming a child’s greatest hope for a better future.

Our Commitment To Foster Families

  • The Bair Foundation provides all families with evidence-based trainings that teach relationship building, trauma-informed practices and behavior management strategies.
  • We recognize the challenges that come with foster parenting; therefore, we strive to provide the utmost support to our parents. Our committed staff is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Foster families receive two days of paid respite each month.
  • Foster families receive on-going training and recognition, along with support groups and parties that are planned throughout the year.
  • Foster families receive adequate financial support to meet the needs of foster children.
  • By opening their home to a child or teen, foster families are given the opportunity to do life-changing work.

On average, 200,000 children enter the system each year. Our work is never done.

You can take the first step toward providing the loving home that every kid deserves.

Become a Foster parent