Life Changing Child And Family Services
Strength-Based And Family-Centered Care
For more than 50 years, we have looked for ways to enhance the quality of life for foster youth and their families. We provide and advocate for the least restrictive family and community-based settings for children that will ensure their long-term success.
Investing In Successful Outcomes
The Bair Foundation promotes the well-being of children by ensuring safety, achieving permanency and strengthening families through clinical and in-home services.
By utilizing evidenced-based treatment models, we are able to significantly improve client outcomes.
Parents, children, foster parents and Bair staff work as a team to address the emotional, social, educational, medical and cultural needs of children and their caregivers. We look for unmet needs within the family and the community as an opportunity to develop new programs that bridge the gap between crisis and restoration.
Our services include
Foster Care – Traditional (Basic Care), Therapeutic Foster Care, Treatment Foster Care, and Foster Care for Children with Primary Medical Needs
Specialized Foster Care – Intensive Alternative Family Treatment (IAFT), Community Residential Rehabilitation Service Program (CRR) Professional Home-Based Foster Care (PHBC), and Professional Therapeutic Foster Care (PTFC)
Kinship Care
Permanency and Reunification Services
In-Home Services
Clinical Services
Path Program

Our Services
Foster Care Services
Family Services
Adoption Services
Kinship Services
Structured Intervention Treatment Foster Care
Behavioral Health Services
Service Availability
Some services may not be available in your area. See your local office’s page for a current list of services we provide there.
Find a LocationFrequently Asked Questions
- The Bair Foundation is a Christ-centered, therapeutic agency investing in the social, spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of the children and teens we serve. With over 50 years’ experience in child welfare and family services, we have built and maintained an exceptional reputation throughout our community and with our local counties. Bair provides safe homes for over 2,500 foster children annually, facilitates the adoption of over 300 foster children each year and provides clinical services to families in crisis.
- Bair has been nationally accredited since 2002 (and re-accredited every four years) by the Council of Accreditation (COA). https://coanet.org/ COA has over 40 years of experience in promoting best practice standards. Our accreditation represents Bair’s drive to always provide the highest quality of care.
- When others say No, Bair says Yes! We believe that every child matters, and Bair actively recruits families who can keep siblings together, families who feel called to champion older foster youth, families for medically fragile children with special needs and families whose calling might be to mentor and provide a home for a teen mom and her baby.
The Bair Foundation has their own Service Model. Bair has over 50 years’ experience and they utilized that experience to develop a treatment model that includes three evidence-based components that address trauma as well as resiliency.
- Planning: Bair strives to develop individualized service plans to meet the specific, unique needs of each child. We do this by using a self-assessment tool called the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM), which helps identify areas of need. In addition, Case Conceptualization is conducted in which the team identifies goals and develops specific interventions to fulfil the child’s unique hopes and dreams.
- Support: The Bair Foundation recognizes the challenges that come with foster parenting; therefore, we strive to provide the utmost support to our parents. We do that in several ways including coaching in the home and monthly foster parent support groups.
The Bair Foundation provides an array of services that include various levels of Foster Care, Foster-to-Adopt, Clinical Services, Kinship Care and Path to Permanency.
Therapeutic Foster Care involves caring for children or adolescents with emotional, behavioral, social or medical issues — those who would benefit from being in a family who has received specialized training to meet their needs.
Traditional Foster Care (also referred to as standard or basic care) involves caring for children who are taken from their parents due to abuse or neglect, but whose needs do not require the same level of intensive support and services required in therapeutic foster care.The Bair Foundation provides both Therapeutic and Traditional Foster Care.
Every year, more than half a million children are the victims of abuse and neglect.
When these children enter foster care, we provide foster families with the support they need to turn tragedy into hope.
Become a Foster parent